7 pitfalls to avoid as a project manager

  1. Never loose site of bigger picture. Remember the goals of why you are doing a certain project. Ensuring that execution is in sync with goals is super critical.
  2. Don't panic when things start look out of hand. There are always always ways to salvage unless you choose to ignore all trigger points. Things will go wrong but be ready to handle and recourse from any unfavorable situation. Re-scoping , resourcing, re-prioritizing can help you reach a new favorable ground.
  3. Manage stakeholders coercion: Don't let stakeholders sway things in their favor against interest of overall project goals. Call common stakeholder meetings on regular basis to share project status. Let it be a forum where if a decision is to be made can be done in agreement.
  4. Make no assumptions about communications. Always double check if intended audience is leaving with clear understanding. Send out minutes of all important meetings.
  5. Save your time. Don't let others eat into your personal work time. As a project manager you are bound to get used as proxy for many things but make sure you are not doing others jobs. Empower and delegate.
  6. Missing project pulse: Don't hesitate to ask for updates as well as results. No need to be overtly nice. Strike the right balance. Create an environment where updates flow to you systematically.
  7. Don't get lazy. For example, don't skip critical plannings meetings / discussions. You are responsible to keep the momentum going. So avoid the slack and always have work planned for future.


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