Answering some (of my) agile questions!
Following have been some of my queries that I found answer to in due course of time. Hope that to some of you these are useful! Where does the Project Management role fits in Agile methodology? When it comes to agile project management roles, most agile processes - Scrum in particular - do not include a project manager. Agile “project manager” roles and responsibilities are shared among others on the project, namely the team, Scrum Master and product owner. Read more @ What types of projects should use agile? Agile projects work best when they are not clear upfront, they need exploration and are adaptive. So that's why they've been adopted by a lot with high-technology projects or creative projects (where as you're going along, you realize that there might be changes). The traditional project has the three constraints of Scope, Time and Cost. How does agile compares to that? ...